Services Fees and Insurance


Acupuncture & East Asian Medicine, First visit, 90 minutes, $150
Acupuncture, Acute first visit, 50-60 minutes, $120
Acupuncture, Return visit, 45-60 minutes, $90
5 Element Acupuncture, first visit, $150
5 Element Acupuncture, return visit, $125

Holistic Skin Care
Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture first visit, $150
Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture, Return visit,  $110
MicroNeedling, First visit, 65-90 minutes, $295
Microneedling, Return visit, 60 minutes, $295
ProCell MicroChanneling First Visit, 60-90 minutes, $395
ProCell MicroChanneling Return Visit, 60 minutes, $395
(5 Element Acupuncture and Holistic Skin Care are not billable to insurance)


Acupuncture Injection Therapy, Biopuncture
Biopuncture for Pain Relief $45-$60, add to Acupuncture, $35-$50
Biopuncture for Beauty, $65-80, add to Acupuncture, $55-$75

Wellness Consultation, 45-55 minutes, $140
Wellness, return visit, 30 minutes, $80 
Cuppling, $150, 60 min, includes Cupping Set for personal use.

Energy Medicine  
Dawn Moss
Intuitive energy healing, Reiki, Biofield tuning 
90 minutes, $195
60 minutes, $155

Roxane Geller, EAMP, LMT
Intuitive energy healing, Shamanic journeying, Somatic journeying
90 minutes, $195
60 minutes, $155
45 minute session + Insurance billed Acupuncture, add $85

Therapeutic Massage, and Prenatal and Postpartum Massage

Advanced Therapeutic Massage, Prenatal/Postpartum, with Brad Darr, LMT.
Self Pay, 60 Minutes, $110, 90 Minutes, $160



We are committed to being accessible to our community and billing insurance is one way of us achieving this goal. We do our best to keep up to date on insurance changes and best practices but please keep in mind that it is your responsibility to know your insurance coverage and if the provider you see is in network. You can call or email us before your appointment if you have questions. Some treatments such as cosmetic acupuncture are not covered by insurance. Our acupuncturists are in network with many insurances, but this does not guarantee that acupuncture is covered. Some of the companies we are in network with are;

Despite best efforts, information we receive about your benefits is no guarantee of coverage. You are personally responsible for any unpaid balances regardless of the information we have received from your company. If you are experiencing difficulty, please contact us so we can work with you. If you are looking for massage, please note that Brad Darr has a separate company, and requirements for massage and acupuncture differ. Of note, massage therapists cannot diagnose so for any massage therapy coverage, you need to have a referral from a doctor or chiropractor in all cases to bill insurance or have a superbill for massage.



Contact Us for more information!

Union Wellness